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Nuestra Misión

La misión del PTO de la Escuela Primaria Anana es trabajar juntos para apoyar a los estudiantes, familias, maestros y personal educativamente, socialmente y culturalmente dentro de una comunidad de aprendizaje equitativa al:

  • Fomentar conexiones entre las familias y los maestros y el personal dentro de la comunidad escolar de Anana.
  • Proporcionar programas, experiencias de enriquecimiento y servicios que fortalezcan y apoyen a la comunidad escolar de Anana.
  • Apoyar políticas antirracistas.

Our Mission

The mission of the Anana Elementary School PTO is to work together to support students, families, teachers, and staff educationally, socially, and culturally within an equitable community of learning by:

  • Fostering connections between families and teachers and staff within the Anana school community.
  • Providing programs, enrichment experiences, and services that strengthen and support the Anana school community.
  • Supporting antiracist policies.

Get your Umoja on!

Building a stronger school — together.

Umoja is the Swahili word for unity, and it is also the name of the ground-breaking magazine founded by our visionary namesake, Milele Chikasa Anana. Our school relies on the talents and resources of our entire community to help support our students. If you are a family member of a student, a neighbor of the school, or a teacher at Anana, you’re invited to join the Anana PTO!

¡Activa tu Umoja!

Construyendo una escuela más fuerte — juntos.

Umoja es la palabra en suajili para “unidad”, y también es el nombre de la revista innovadora fundada por nuestra visionaria homónima, Milele Chikasa Anana. Nuestra escuela depende de los talentos y recursos de toda nuestra comunidad para ayudar a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes. Si eres un familiar de un estudiante, un vecino de la escuela, o un maestro en Anana, ¡estás invitado a unirte al PTO de Anana!

Kids smiling at school

My intent was to make this a more just and righteous world. My intent was to have America live up to its promise. // Mi intención era hacer de este un mundo más justo y recto. Mi intención era que América cumpliera su promesa.

Headshot for Milele Chikasa Anana
Milele Chikasa Anana

Upcoming Events // Próximos Eventos

Noticias // News

Participants In Person Via Zoom Principal Chelsea Elliot Tracy Preiser Anana PTO President Angela Golden Laruen Jensen Anana PTO Vice President Chelsea Thomason Signe Mbainai Anana PTO Treasurer Miranda Pluff…

The Anana Dash will be Friday, October 11, 2024, and we need volunteers to help make it happen! Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign…

The Anana Dash will be Friday, October 13, 2023, and we need volunteers to help make it happen! Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign…

Join the Madison Banshees Girls Soccer Team! We are starting a brand new U10 girls’ soccer team on Madison’s southwest side. We intend on fielding about fourteen kids, who will…